
The trust will support and conduct activities consonant with the nature and interests of Sri Krishnaveni and Thyagaraju in the belief and hope that they would approve were they alive.

  1. Consistent with Sri Krishnaveni's life-long interest in the education and welfare of girls, the trust will award two or three scholarships per year to meritorious but poor girls in Chodavaram and surroundings. The exact definiton of "surroundings" and the amounts and precise number of scholarships, subject to the availability of funds, will be determined by the management of the trust. The competition will be open to all female students in the Chodavaram area, irrespective of caste, creed, race or religion.
  2. In harmony with Raju's love of mathematics and his generous nature, the Thyagaraju Chelluri Memorial Mathematics Talent Test that has been held every year in Chodavaram since his death will be enhanced and strengthened in the following sense: A facility will be established as soon as is feasible (within a year or so, it is expected) in Chodavaram that will house a small mathematical library and some computers and other technical tools to enable intersted students to contact and be in touch with mentors who may be physically far away. The expectation is that students planning to participate in the talent test as well as those who have already taken part in it and whose inerest in mathematics has been aroused will make use of the facility. Now the talent test, right from the beginning, has been open totally free of cost to students in Chodavaram and surroundings without regard to caste, creed, gender, race or religion, and it will remain so in the future. Moreover, the facility described above will also be accessible to all students in the Chodavaram area free of cost. The expenses incurred in maintaining it will be met by the trust.

Note that mathematics is both beautiful and useful. When mathematics is done to answer questions that arise within itself, such as Fermat's Last Theorem, which was a conjecture or guess for about 250 years and finally proved only slightly more than twenty years ago, it is pure mathematics. On the other hand, mathematics is indispensable for the study of not only the traditional areas of physics, chemistry, and engineering but also biology, computer science, economics, finance and management and so on. Therefore every attempt will be made to see that the library reflects this variety -- at the high school and college level.

The facility will also have a couple of chess sets and a set or two of Go.